Sunday, December 22, 2024
Riffs from an overheated mind




My review of the 2006 Super Bowl … Commercials

February 6th, 2006 by hashbrown

Ok, the Super Bowl can get pretty boring, so over the years many of us have resorted to watching for the commercials. So here’s a list of all the ones that mattered and what I thought of them.
I didn’t consider any commercials during the pregame show, only those aired during actual game coverage. Skipped any repeats, pre-run commercials,etc.

Alright here we go….

(First break)

Bud Light Hidden in the Office
Somewhat funny, nothing new. Concept had promise but fell short.
Ok maybe they’re just getting started.

Burger King Whopperettes
Girls dressed as condiments, ok just plain scary. Song was weak.
Got a little better when the condiments started to jump on the meat and pile on top of each other. Better than women’s mud wrestling?
I’m guessing it was the whole reason for the commercial.
(post game comment: This was one of the few that felt like a Super Bowl commercial)


Sierra Mist
Love the actors, Kathy Griffin, Jim Gaffigan and that “Ed” dude (no, not the Love Monkey one).

Bud Light Magic Fridge
A classic super bowl commercial, very funny. Voted best of the night.


Toyota Camry Hybrid
I’m glad Bush’s immigration policies have finally made the American Dream available to our friends across the border.
This one was lame.

FedEx Caveman
Funny. C’mon who doesn’t love a guy getting unexpectedly crushed by a dinosaur. But again, I liked King Kong.

Bud Light Bear Attack
Yeah this is ok for the summer, but the super bowl?


(“V for Vendetta” would be sweet without Natalie Portman.)

P.Diddy and Diet Pepsi
Just a bunch of Hip hop artists getting face time, lame.
Brown and bubbly, am I supposed to want to drink that?


Leonard Nimoy Aleve
Ok, it’s funny when icons make fun of themselves. But nobody does it better that Shatner.

Ameriquest – Doctors Kill Fly
So doctors kill a fly buzzing a patient with the heart paddles and pronounce the fly dead, right as the patient’s family walks in.
Pretty funny.

Bud Light – Cleaning the gutters
A funny concept, a good beer commercial.


Diet Pepsi- Brown And Bubbly part 2
Jackie Chan Stunt Double, this one was good, saved the campaign in my eyes.

Miller Genuine Draft Grocery Store
Checkout girl announces mans beer purchase. Stupid


Bud horses are playing football again. This time a streaker interrupts the game. Funny

Best Buy/Mobile ESPN
Well choreographed, ok that’s it.

Monkey’s feeling the noise from Quiet Riot.
Funny, this has been a good campaign.

Cadillac Escapade
Runway models, boring but had good visual effect.


(Mission Impossible 3 – Yeah!)

Dove Self-esteem fund??
Oh Dove people, you are so sensitive.
So you gonna start showing fat girls cleaning their skin in the shower?


Ford Escape Hybrid w/Kermit
Good commercial, considering I spent saturday night watching the Muppet Show DVD.
It’s not easy being green, it’s just easy to say you are.

Michelob Ultra – Late hit
Its not funny when a girl gets tackled, unless she’s a bimbo.
I’m a sucker for big hits, loved Waterboy.

Oh so disappointed. Might be pretty effective though.
I can’t go checkout the website right now because my wife is watching.


Gillette Fusion
Wow 5 blades, I still have 3. Good thing I didn’t upgrade to 4 blades, it’s already obsolete. Who makes these things, Apple?
They probably cost about $20 per blade, and last 3 shaves.
The biggest scam this side of insurance.

The big “O” stands for boy is this campaign getting OLD.


Waste of 1 million dollars.




Sprint Phone – Crime Deterrent
Funny, again a sucker for physical comedy


2nd HALF


Budweiser Baby Horse
Oh that’s a good tear-jerker.


Hummer H3 Monsters
Godzilla meets Giant Robot – They birthed an H3? Disgusting.

Practical Solutions – Hazard Suits
First new product I’ve seen. Another skin lotion, or cleaner or something.

Jackasses will replace the monkeys this year.
Good move, good commercial.


Toyota Tacoma
Truck getting thrashed on the rocks. Apparently survives.
I thought it was a Ford Ranger.


Sprint -Baby Come Back/Benny Hill
Well they used Benny Hill, so that’s cool.


Degree for Men
Ok, action-hero guy overcomes many dangerous obstacles in order to get to work,
only to burn his tongue on the coffee.
Predicatable but well done.

Emerald Nuts
Even Machette-toting Eagle-eyed ??? Recognize A Little Druid Networking Under The Stairs.
Ugh I’m missing one word, someone help me out!!! Liked this one.


Bud Stadium
Crowd holds-up different cardboard colors in order to make giant picture. In this case,
Crowd does the wave, creating the effect of pouring the beer and drinking it. Would be super sweet if I thought it wasn’t all CG.

McGuyver Mastercard


Honda Ridgeline
Trucker Mud flap chick, and Yosemite Sam, back-off! That went nowhere.

Cheers to Beer
People from around the world, holding up their beer and saying “Cheers”;
ok, its not about any brand of beer, just or something. Like beer needs industry sponsored advertising?
C’mon, we’re not talking about Cotton here.


GoDaddy runs again
Only making the comment because this time I went to their site and after some digging finally found the hidden gems.


Outback Steakhouse
It counts, since I guess the game is still on.

Westin Hotels
Spent so much money buying the spot, no money left to produce an actual commercial.

Goodbye to the pizza boy
I haven’t been commenting on NFL spots, but this one was good.


So there you are, the 2006 Super Bowl commercials. Overall I was disappointed, not many championship efforts there by our friendly advertising industry.
My favorites were the Bud Light Magic Fridge and the MacGuyver Mastercard. What were yours?
Did I miss any commercials? I started drinking before the game, so things began to stop tracking during the second half.

Let me know what you thought!

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

2 Responses

  1. Dario Tsunami Says:

    Man fella, you did waaaay better than me, there’s plenty I don’t recall at all. However, most I agreed with, the rest, I don’t really remember. Pretty lame superbowl whether you were looking at commercials or the game. Ugg.

    BTW -I don’t think there’s any downloads off this one, but I found a quick little Martin Denny site

    He’s got like 80-billion albums and basically makes tiki-styled instrumentals. Lots of them are very good (and you might know) others…well, at least he tried.

  2. Dario Tsunami Says:

    I’m over here lookin’ for your review – since you didn’t grace Fjord with your “satchel review” I was hjoping there might be one here. Sigh…anyways, stellar photograph…Hash+Fjord+Manhattan Portage=SOLID GOLD!!!

    See ya somewheres out in the digital world.
